Thursday, February 24, 2011

Result of meeting between representatives of NGOs with Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yesterday

Date:               February 23, 2011, at 4pm
Venue:             MOFA

Main point of discussions:

-          Alliance/Coalition of LNGO and INGOs:
Alliance of these NGOs will be acceptable and workable but INGO will be allowed to be a Director and Chairperson of the alliance. INGOs will be allowed to be only a member of Alliance and member of boards of Alliance.

-          25 % of administrative costs:
Generally, it is understood that the admin cost are the cost of staff salaries, supply and some others. This point MOI and MOFA will make further elaboration which would be understandable by all. There will be an explanation of admin cost in the glossary of law.

-          Issues of registration:

NGO Alliance and NGOs/Association will be registered with MOI

For the case of CBOs or community organizations, the law will create sort of procedure that CBOs will be able to make their registration with their local authorities.

-          Reporting requirement:
MOI and MOFA will decide on what procedures to done and applied because some of NGOs need reporting format and some others do not need.

-          For registration of INGOs:
It is understood that for the case of INGOs, some of them work as both project implementing and also as donor and while some others are working as only donor NGOs eg. Forumsyd, Diakonia and DCA … and they work through the provision of cooperation and funding to their local partners.

The condition for registration of INGOs is that all INGOs have to have supporting letter from their partner ministry, therefore, if they do not have supporting letter from a line ministry or partner ministry, those INGOs will not be able to make their registration with MOFA.

For this case, it would be a problem for donor eg. Forumsyd, Diakonia and DCA …. who do not have any partnership with any government ministry for them to ask for a supporting letter in order to meet with registration  requirement.

-          Second draft of law:
Mr. Tuy Ry has made know to the NGO that there should be distribution of second draft to NGOs before submission to council of ministry.

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