Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Law Journal of Civil Study in USA

The Center of Civil Law Studies (CCLS) was established in 1965 to promote and encourage the scientific study of the civil law system, its history, structure, principles, and actualities. Its purpose or mission is to facilitate a better understanding and further development of the private law of the State of Louisiana and other civil law jurisdictions, particularly those of continental Europe and Latin America, through theoretical and practical activities, such as publications, translations, sponsorship of faculty and student exchanges, visiting scholars, seminars, and lectures. The Center of Civil Law Studies promotes legal education by sponsoring foreign students who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity of studying a mixed legal system and American students who wish to expose themselves to other legal systems. Such programs take advantage of Louisiana's natural position as an education center for international and comparative legal studies.

The LSU Law center issued its research book related to Law Journal of Civil Study in USA. If you want to study more those articles please link here https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B3LzPsPRNUiwOGEyNGU5MzEtNmQzNC00MjBmLWI1MzItZTY3MTg1OGY5ODg1&hl=en_US

If you need inquiry, please drop your e-mail to cambodianlawjournal@gmail.com. Welcome all comments on this blog

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