While the general situation of human rights has progressed in certain areas, it has not improved much in others. Examples of the latter are land rights and evictions, and freedom of speech. Because of the fear of possible charges of defamation, disinformation and incitement against them, many people such as journalists, human
rights defenders and political activists seem to be resorting to self-censorship. I am concerned by the use of such charges against land activists and individuals making claims on disputed land. I am dismayed to hear about disproportionate use of force by law enforcement officials during peaceful protests by individuals involved in land
disputes. For instance, the violence against the demonstrations by the residents of the Beoung Kok Lake area in April 2011 was regrettable. I am, however, encouraged by the recent dialogue between the remaining communities of Beoung Kok Lake and the municipality of Phnom Penh and look forward to a mutually agreeable settlement.
For detail information pleas link here for Khmer language: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B3LzPsPRNUiwNzRlNzczZDEtYWI4My00ZmY4LWJiMDUtZmE5ZDg5ODdjMDM1&hl=en_US
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