Tuesday, October 25, 2011

“Pre Busan 4th High Level Forum” Date: October 26-27, 2011 Phnom Penh – Cambodia (Sunway Hotel)


Multi-stakeholder Consultative Workshop 


 “Pre Busan 4th High Level Forum”

Date: October 26-27, 2011
Phnom Penh – Cambodia (Sunway Hotel)
The  Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) in Busan, South Korea will take place from 29 November to 1 December. With this important global event fast approaching, civil society continues its mobilization to formulate it collective message and key asks for this landmark event in development cooperation.
Between 2008 and 2011, through the collaborative work of BetterAid and Open Forum in partnership with regional and national CSO platforms, the global CSO’s advocacy efforts to shift from Aid Effectiveness to Development Effectiveness has produced three key documents: 
            Istanbul Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness, 
            Siem Reap Consensus on the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness 
            CSOs on the Road to Busan:  Key Message and Proposals

Additionally, upon issuance of draft Busan Outcome Document (BOD) by the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness of the OECD-DAC, the CSO global community have responded and made comments on the BOD, reflecting the three key documents outlined above. In the run-up to Busan, CSOs around the globe will also aim to actively advocate to the donor community and recipient governments to consider and put into force specific minimum standards for enabling environment to allow CSOs to fully apply and strengthen their specific roles as genuine development actors in their own right.
A total of 300 CSO delegates from around the world will attend the HLF4 in Busan, with a clear mandate to defend as well as influence the final BOD through full participation at the negotiation table along with development partners and government representatives.  
CSOs in Cambodia have been very active in global CSO movement and are also involved in these issues both at national and sub-national levels through many multi-stakeholder consultations including the 2nd CSO Global Assembly in Siem Reap, which was hosted locally in collaboration with the Open Forum.  A draft paper entitled “The Road to Busan” compiled jointly by CCC, NGO Forum and MEDiCAM describes the efforts and achievements in Cambodia to engage all concerned development actors to embrace the effort to move Aid Effectiveness toward Development Effectiveness within the context of Cambodia. 

This event aims to a) bring all concerned stakeholders in Cambodia working on aid and development effectiveness together for a final update and reflection on key documents to be discussed in Busan; b) seek feedback and inputs to the draft paper “The Road to Busan” as a submission from Cambodia at the HLF4.  Day 1 of the event will be open to CSOs only, while the following day will involve participants from government, donors and the private sector in a multi-stakeholder dialogue. 

Day 1:  CSO Consultation

Day 1 Objectives:
             To deepen understanding of key global documents and resources for increasing development effectiveness 
             Inspire debate and reflection on how Cambodian CSOs can best contribute to development effectiveness in alignment with HLF4 
             Secure endorsement of Road to Busan report 

Day 1 Desired Outcomes: 
            A common understanding of CSO development effectiveness is reached and shared
            Participants are able to reflect on their own role in development effectiveness and identify the barriers to the application of the Istanbul Principles 
            Cambodia’s CSO paper, Road to Busan endorsed by CSO community 


Day 1: October 26, 2011
CSO Consultation



Resource Person
7:30 - 8:00 

National Anthem 

8:02 - 8:05 
Introduction of Workshop Objectives

Introduction of the Delegates, Resource Persons, and workshop rationale, objectives and expected outcomes

Mr. Mi Nac, Project Officer of CCC 

8:05 - 8:15
Welcome Remarks and Open Session
Ms. Caroline McCAUSLAND
ExCom member of CCC 
8:15 - 8:45
Session 1:  Requirements for CSO Development Effectiveness

Day 1: October 26, 2011 CSO Consultation 

Day 1: October 26, 2011 CSO Consultation 



Resource Person
Presentation 1: Review of CSO documents for Busan:  Istanbul Principles and the Siem Reap Consensus on International Framework for Development Effectiveness
Mr. Lun Borithy, Executive Director of CCC 

8:45-9:45 9:45-10:00

Group Discussions: 

What are the barriers to applying the Istanbul Principles in Cambodia using the Siem Reap Consensus as a Framework? 

What commitment do we need from our development partners/Government to overcome those barriers? 
 Tea Break  

Dr. Sin Somuny, Executive Director of MEDiCAM 
Group Presentations
Dr. Sin Somuny, Executive Director of MEDiCAM
Session 2:  Barriers to Development Effectiveness 

Presentation 2: Minimum Standards for Enabling Environment and CSO adherence to accountability and Governance in Cambodia

Presentation 3: Result of study on IATI mechanisms of Aid management and delivery, conducted by NGO Forum (how is this contributing to enabling environment; good governance requires more than one party

Question and Answer

Mr. Soeung Sareoun, Head of Programs, CCC 

Mr. Chhith Sam Ath
Executive Director of NGO Forum (TBC)

12:00 - 13:30 PM
L U N C H   B R E A K &  P H O T O S H O O T

13:30 -15:00
Session 3: CSO Inputs for Busan

Presentation 4: Cambodia’s contribution: Road to Busan report

Question and Answer

Ms. Louise Coventry, Consultant
Tea Break  



Resource Person

15:20- 16:40

Session 4:  Way Forward  Refection and Preparation for Multi-stakeholder dialogue

Presentation 5:  Global CSO Inputs and impact on BOD 

Question and Answer

Plenary Discussion: Key Talking Points for Multi-stakeholder dialogue on Day 2 

Mr. Nicolas Gloeckl, Policy Officer of IBON/RoA

Mr. Soeung Sarouen, Head of Program (CCC)
Evaluation and Closing of Workshop 
Mr. Mi Nac, , Project Officer of CCC 

Day 2:  Multi-stakeholder Consultation 

Day 2 Objectives:
                         To deepen understanding of HLF4 processes and key documents 
             Inspire debate and reflection on how Cambodian CSOs can best contribute to development effectiveness alongside other development partners 

Day 2 Desired Outcomes: 
                        A common understanding of CSO recommendations on the BOD is reached 
            Partnerships between CSOs and other development partners are strengthened 
            Actions points for all development actors are drafted and endorsed



Resource Persons

7:30 - 8:00 


8:00 – 8:05
National Anthem

8:05 - 8:15
Recap of Day 1 and situating the Multi-stakeholder dialogue with overall introductions

Mr. Soeung Saroeun, Head of Programs, CCC 
8:15 – 8:30
Welcome Remarks and Open Session
Gov’t  Rep (TBC)

Mr. Juan Pita, Country Rep of AECID 

CSO Global Journey to Busan:  Summary of Global CSO key events and inputs into the Busan 3rd Outcome Document (BOD)

Question and Answer
Mr. Nicolas Gloeckl, Policy Officer of IBON/RoA

Session 3:  Mini Workshops

Workshop I:Government representatives

Are the CSO recommendations on the BOD relevant and appropriate to the Cambodian  context ? How could the government support the recommendations?

Facilitator:  CDC rep (TBC)

Workshop II: Private Sector Representatives 

Are the CSO recommendations on the BOD relevant and appropriate to the Cambodian context?  How could the private sector support the recommendations?
Mr. Kak Key, Director of Morison Kak and President of Clean Business Initiative (CBI)

Workshop III: Development Partners

Are the CSO recommendations on the BOD relevant and appropriate to the Cambodian context?   How could DPs support the recommendations?
Mr. Karl-Anders Larsson, Counselor, Embassy of Sweden

Workshop IV: CSOs
Are the CSO recommendations on the BOD relevant and appropriate to the Cambodian context?   How could DPs, government and the private sector support the recommendations?
Mr. Nicolas Gloeckl, Policy Officer of IBON/RoA

Tea Break

Panel Discussion: Cambodian Development Actors Perspectives on the Busan Output Documents  

Question and Answer 
Mr. Soeung Saroeun, CCC
Mr. Karl-Anders Larsson, Counselor, Sweden Embassy
Ms. Belinda Mericourt, Consultant (UNDP, PRDP)
Gov’t CDC Rep (TBC)
Mr. Lun Borithy, ED CCC
Mr. Kak Key, Director of Morison Kak and President of Clean Business Initiative (CBI)
Wrap up and Closing of Workshop

Dr Sin Somuny,

Note: The organizers reserve the rights to alter the agenda subject to availability of speakers and dynamics of the consultation requiring optimum use of time for effective outputs.

 Law Journal of Cambodia(LJC) is a non-political and independent team who volunteer working for disseminating laws and informaton regarding development and human rights situation in Cambodia. All comment or idea of LJC cannot be claimed in front of court and other purpose. LJC just provide ways for people to understand the context of law and other issues. LJC wants people to understand the law and live in peaceful means. If you need inquiry, please drop your e-mail to cambodianlawjournal@gmail.com. Welcome all comments on this blog 
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